Since there are so many questions about your assignment, moreover you must complete your assignment before your mid semester test period, I will post about your assignment in this post.
These following exercises is going to be your assignment score (nilai tugas).
1st Exercise
Converting Fraction to Percent
(Mengubah bentuk pecahan ke bentuk persen)
Order: Convert these following fraction into percent expression
1. 1/2
2. 3/4
3. 2/5
4. 7/10
5. 11/20
note: 1/2 read as one per two. garis miring menandakan "per" atau pembagian.
2nd Exercise
Converting Percent to Fraction
(Mengubah bentuk persen ke bentuk pecahan)
Order: Convert these following percent expression into fraction expression
1. 20%
2. 25%
3. 40%
4. 72%
5. 31%
3rd Exercise
Converting Fraction to Decimal Expression, and vice versa
(Mengubah bentuk pecahan ke bentuk desimal, dan sebaliknya)
Order: Convert these following fraction into decimal expression
1. 3/4
2. 7/10
3. 11/25
4. 13/20
5. 12/125
Order: Convert these following decimal expression into fraction
6. 0,75
7. 0,8
8. 0,15
9. 0,32
10. 0,45
note: 1/2 read as one per two. garis miring menandakan "per" atau pembagian.
4th Exercise
Comparing Fraction
(Membandingkan pecahan)
Order: Compare these following fraction by giving ">", "<", or "="
1.1/2 .... 3/4
2. 5/6 .... 7/8
3. 0,25 .... 0,7
4. 25% .... 52%
5. 0,22 .... 2,2%
6. 2,2% .... 2,2
7. 22/10 .... 0,22
8. 31/100 .... 0,31
9. 31/10 .... 0,31
10. 3,2 .... 3,2%
note: 1/2 read as one per two. garis miring menandakan "per" atau pembagian.
5th Exercise
Addition and Subtraction of Fraction
(Penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecaham)
Order: Find the result
1. 15% + 0,76 - 0,32
2. 3/4 + 25% - 1/2
3. 7/8 + 0,125 - 0,3
4. 2,05 - 1,7 + 23%
5. 0,71 - 6/20 + 19%
6. 3,5 - 1,08 - 125%
7. 0,65 + 9/10 + 12%
8. 0,85 + 0,1 + 89%
9. 158% - 78% - 0,11
10. 78% - 0,05 - 1/25
note: 1/2 read as one per two. garis miring menandakan "per" atau pembagian.
6th Exercise
Multiplication and Division of Fraction
(Perkalian dan pembagian pecahan)
Order: Find the result
1. 0,9 x 7
2. 0,09 x 0,4
3. 0,009 x 5
4. 0,08 x 0,07
5. 0,7 x 0,006
6. 7,2 : 9
7. 0,81 : 0,9
8. 0,056 : 0,7
9. 2,4 : 0,008
10. 0,36 : 0,0004
p.s. Please complete your assignments to get the complete score. You can ask your friends about the assignments or you can get the assignment from here. I'll wait until tomorrow only, don't late!
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